I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Kate. So here's another meme for ya.

1. Seven things to do before I die
2. Seven things I cannot do
3. Seven things that attract me to my spouse/partner
4. Seven things I say most often
5. Seven books (or series) I love
6. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)
7. Seven people I want to join in, too

Seven things to do before I die.
7. Sky dive
6. Visit Africa, South America, Australia, and Antarctica
5. Retire
4. Earn enough money to retire
3. Walk across the Mackinac Bridge
2. Go into space (sub-orbital flight will do)
1. Find that special someone.

Seven things I cannot do
7. Whistle
6. Stick out my tongue very far. I am literally tongue tied.
5. Renounce my U.S. citizenship
4. Calculus
3. Drive a stick
2. Arch one of my eyebrows
1. Sing. I'm told that even my humming is bad.

Seven things that attract me to my spouse/partner (since I don'’t have one, we'’ll pretend)
7. Laugh
6. Intelligence
5. Bluntness
4. Understanding/patience
3. Height
2. Relationship to others
1. That energy that you just can't explain.

Seven things I say most often:
7. Crap
6. Damn
5. Fuck
4. What the hell?
3. Oh.
2. What'’s for dinner?
1. Fine.

Seven books (or series) that I love (I'll go with the series)
7. Friends
6. Les Mondes Engloutis
5. Doctor Who
4. Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Desperate Housewives
2. CSI
1. The Amazing Race (minus the current Family Edition)

Seven Movies...
7. Contact
6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
5. Gladiator
4. Bridget Jones's Diary (Got a problem with that?)
3. Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi
2. The Hunt for Red October
1. Ferris Bueller'’s Day Off

Seven people I want to join in too...
Anyone who reads this blog. There are about seven of you :P


oh boy! :p

can i skip this one. i managed to lock myself out of my own blog, was fooling around with my ftp folders.

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