Oh man...

Have you opened your mouth to say something that you thought was perfectly acceptable only to later find out that the person you said it to was horribly offended? Of course, that person said nothing at the time so you just droned on and on making a hole for yourself? After feeling so high... so on top of the world, I find myself in a situation so much worse than I was in before my trip into the clouds. All because I said some things that I wish I had phrased differently.

Normally, I don't really care who gets offended by what I say. But this person is so important to me, that I just feel like total shit. I wish that I could have the courage to tell the world what happened. Really, I do. And for people like Pat, Kate, Edward, or Jay... I would have no problem telling them but since this is an open blog, I am only willing to do so in some other manner. This particular person has gone down as the catalyst for one of the most important developments in my life. I would hate to think that I am on a shitlist to a person who I hold in high esteem.


LBH said…
Eek! I know that feeling. Maybe you should just wait awhile (but not too long) and just grovel an apology. The person might still be hurt but he/she might have cooled off enough to listen to you.

Hope it works out.
David said…
Kate, do you have an email address that I can shoot an appropriate question to? Mine's usapines #@# yahoo <.> com if you don't want to publish it here.
LBH said…
Hey David - will be in touch properly tomorrow. Hope all's well.
David said…
Thanks Kate. I'm hanging in there.

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