Friday, August 19, 2005

Fair Food 2

This is a haystack. Apparently, it was introduced to the fair last year or the year before. Dad found it and wanted to have it again. For $7.50, it's enough to feed two people. I swear it's just a glorified breakfast food. Hashbrowns, onions, peppers, chicken, steak, salsa, cheese, and sourcream. I'm not a big fan of it.

As I said in a previous post, I was going to go for some Wisconsin food. Here are the jalepeno cheddar poppers. $6.00. Fucking ridiculous... but oh so good. When I made my order, the guy there sounded like he was German. A little change of pace from those who sound Asian or Hispanic.

But that brings up the German roasted almonds. $4.00 for a snack pack. I munched on these while attending the Sara Evans concert.

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