Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wishing To Be In Danger

Pic from
Oh how I wish I could have been in Key West last night. Over the night, Hurricane Dennis took a swipe at the island paradise. Key West had been under a mandatory evacuation but like always, some of the residents decided to stick it out. There's a bar down there--the name escapes me at the moment-- where some people will go for "shelter." The highest point on the island is only 13 feet above sea level and with high force winds, you could understand why people would head for the local bar that has walls two feet thick. But perhaps it was the half-off drink specials that really enticed them.

I used to live in Key West when my dad was still in the Air Force. We lived in naval housing which was located on Sigsbee just off of Key West. While we were there, a hurricane directly hit us. It was probably a category 1 but I remember having to stay inside the house while it was storming pretty fierce outside. I wasn't scared or anything. Then I remember going outside. When I looked up, I saw salmon colored clouds stretching upwards all around me. Imagine thunder heads... just all around you. My best friend's mom, Cherie Mullins, came out as well and said that we were in the eye. The eye of what? I didn't quite understand at the time. But now that I look back on it, I feel fortunate that I was able to experience such an event.

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