Cutting the Strings

I had over a page worth of stuff that I was about to blog but as I looked over it, I realized that much of it had to deal with personal issues that I am sure my friends do not want shared (even though I can count the number of regular readers here on one of my hands.) But if you are still curious, I gave a little hint during a previous post. Yes, it still has to deal with the whole Sara/Adam deal.

I want to remove myself from this whole situation but that means cutting ties with people that I care about. I feel guilty about that because as a friend, I feel that I should stick it out to the end. I'm waiting for people to hit rock bottom and yet all they seem to do is keep sinking. It's gotten to the point where I just want to get out. Well maybe getting out isn't the correct way to say it since I was never really "in." Perhaps, turning away is better.

My circle and I are well into our twenties now. Isn't it about time we grew up?


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