Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Check out this blog.

There are plenty of other blogs that I read that I don't link to. The reasons vary. Sometimes they are personal. Sometimes, the blog itself is to well known that I don't feel its necessary to link to it. One that I will now be adding is "National Guard Tanker in Iraq."

I could go into a political tirade about the War on Terror but I won't. I just want to say that a lot of weight which governs my opinion comes from people who are actually involved in the issues that I am interested about. When it comes to the War on Terror, I make it a point to try and find the perspectives on what the members of the military are thinking. There are plenty of blogs written by soldiers and all of the ones that I read are relatively well known except for this one. I just happened to run across it one day as I was hitting the "next blog" button. I made a note of it in a file that I keep of interesting websites to check back on. It never made it onto my blogroll until now because some of what he wrote seemed to be just for his friends and family and I would have felt guilty if I directed unwanted attention to a forum that he may have wanted private (even though that sounds silly considering the nature of a blog and the internet.)

So please give his site a try and write him some comments. And while you're at it... I could use some too. C'mon you aspma people. I know you're out there.

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