Friday, May 20, 2005

I’m talkin’ ‘bout CSI…

…so, Kate, you might not want to read on because I’ve got spoilers!

So the season finale went well for CSI. It wasn’t the best finale I’ve seen but it was still good. You know how some series like to go for the season cliff hangers? I hate them. Star Trek was one of them and it killed to wait over the summer. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case here.

The show started out with Nick Stokes being called out to a scene. It was a set-up to lure out a CSI agent for capture. That part didn’t make sense to me as the kidnapper was betting that an agent would come alone. If that cop hadn’t lost his cookies, how on earth would he have successfully gotten away with Stokes? So Stokes was buried alive with air being pumped in and with a live feed of him provided to the other CSI agents via web. The kidnapper demanded one million dollars. Well, of course, the government makes it a policy not to pay ransom so it was up to Catherine to go to her father and get the money. Grissom takes it to the drop off point where the kidnapper blows himself up without telling where he buried Stokes. It turns out that this man had a daughter that was convicted (wrongly?) of being an accessory to murder and that he wanted revenge on CSI for not being able to clear her. Doing the things they do, they eventually find Nick understandably bugging out and save him.

Aside from the story being far fetched (what CSI episode isn’t,) it was astonishingly predictable. The twists weren’t so gripping and one actually didn’t make sense. This was where they thought that they had found where Stokes was buried. While Catherine, Greg, and Warwick were digging, they cut to scenes were Stokes was hearing something and was trying to get some attention. It turns out that they were digging up a test subject that the kidnapper had killed and not Stokes. So what was Stokes hearing and yelling to? It was never explained.

As for the direction by Tarantino, I didn’t mind it. Okay, I probably could have done without seeing a person being blown up and their body splattering everywhere… but I’ve seen it before so it’s hard to pin that completely on him. And the weak sequence where it appears Stokes was dead was a complete waste of time second only to the extended conversation that Catherine’s dad had with his little group in the casino.

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