Thursday, April 21, 2005

A little more FoxTrot

Remember a little while ago when I blogged about Google’s new maps service and how they use sattelite images? Well one of the first things that I checked out, other than my house, was Washington, D.C. I noticed something about the images of a certain landmark which was also noticed by Bill Amend who used it in his FoxTrot strip.

(c)2005 Bill Amend, 04/21/05 Posted by Hello

Yes, Capitol Hill is blurred out as well as the House and Senate office buildings. Funny how the senators and congressmen get this treatment but the justices of the Supreme Court don’t. There’s the USSC for all the world to see.

Capitol Hill (and the Supreme Court) Posted by Hello

The more important parts of The District Posted by Hello

The White House Posted by Hello
At least they did a better job of the White House.

The Pentagon Posted by Hello
After being the building that was actually attacked, you would think that the Pentagon might get a little something on it. You see that little park area in the middle of the Pentagon? There is a vendor. I think it is an ice-cream vendor—maybe it was hotdog. Anyways, that poor guy there has a five or six nuclear missiles locked in on him.

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