I'm loving my day off

The past few days have been extremely rough. When I got moved into my current job position, I didn’t expect to be so drained. This past Wednesday, I started my first day as an unloader. Basically, I unload the freight trucks, then sort the boxes by department, and move the pallets into the storage bins as needed. When the trucks are unloaded and swept out, we then move the pallets out onto the sales floor, and then we are assigned to a department to help stock. So far, I’ve been in paper/chemicals, and pets. Now I’ve been a desk jockey for the better part of four years (and I intend to return that way ASAP) so all this physical work has been a shock for me. Four days out and I still want to tear out my muscles. They are that sore. But it has been getting better.

Working for Wal-Mart seems like a low point. After receiving a college degree, I’m working retail--again. I don’t get to see my friend Adam, who also works there, because the Wally World way of doing things doesn’t allow much mingling with workers in other departments. My shift is from 4pm to 1am. I have yet to leave on time however. Last night I had to work until 3am. But in comparison to my time with K-Mart, there are some positive things. 1.) I don’t deal with customers. 2.) I don’t deal with managers. 3.) I’m getting one hell of a work out. 4.) It’s another compelling reason to find a better job.

So now that I have a day off plus the fact that I don’t feel like passing out from pure exhaustion and pain, I can finally tell you what has been going on. Oh, and by the way, I don’t think Vicodin does anything for me.

In a few days, I’m going to have to post some of Sam Walton’s quotes. I swear to you, joining Wal-Mart is like joining a cult.


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