Thursday, November 11, 2004

Spartan Stadium Addition

Stadium Addition Posted by Hello

Spartan Stadium has been undergoing some construction work to put on an addition. In the event that you are a stranger who happened to stumble on to this site here's the pitiful story:

Spartan Stadium has a bowl. When you look at the picture, the bowl is the lowest section. That extends the whole way around except for at the north section where it dips by about 1/3. I believe it was back in the 50's when they decided to the upper section which is the second section that you can see. These are the "wings" of the stadium located on the west (the one in the pic) and east side of the stadium.

When I first came here, I will admit, I have seen better looking stadiums. You know... ones that actually look like bowls. But the wings made our stadium look pretty unique. Now, they've decided to put another addition. They've got a brick building that will integrate with the western wing. Although I give them some credit for making the addition in the same style as Breslin, It still looks haphazard to me. It reminds me of a structure with so much patchwork that it actually begins to look ugly. I think they could have at least filled in the bowl first. It just looks so lopsided now.

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