Laundry Etiquette

I was asleep Sunday morning which is when I normally do my laundry. No one else gets up at that time so I always have the washers and dryers to myself and can do all my loads at the same time. Monday wasn't possible because I was busy all day. So I did it this afternoon. What a pain! Half the washers and all the dryers were being used. I had calculated that I would have to wait for the ones in the dryers to stop, and then wait after the girl who was waiting to use them as well.

Now nothing irritates me more that people who do not attend their clothes. Their time will be up and they are not there to retrieve their clothes. So it would happen to me again! So I was there debating what I should do this time. Should I take out their clothes and leave them in a pile? Should I at least fold them? Maybe give them a time limit. Luckily one showed up after a few minutes and got her clothes.

So what kind of rules would you think are acceptable?

I say you don't touch another person's laundry for at least 15 minutes. If they aren't back by them, just take their clothes and pile them on the table.


Anonymous said…
David, Your thought are interesting, about the laundry...I wait 10 minutes, if no one comes to get the clothes I fold them nice on the table so they don't wrinkle. If I know who the clothes belong to and the person is a jerk, I leave them in a pile. After awhile though if I notice the same clothes are left unattended all the time, I leave them in a pile. Sometimes people will thank me if they found out I folded their clothes, they are ususally embarrased and will be more attentive to their clothes. Sometimes you meet nice people if you are nice to them. I've never had anyone tell me to keep my mits off their stuff, thankfully!

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