Thursday, September 03, 2009


Stacey and I were eating well this evening. Some of the businesses in Granger’s Heritage Square had setup booths to allow people to try their cuisine. At first the tickets, at $15, seems expensive, but it allows you to sample many different foods. And well, duh, free alcohol.

The first thing we did was grab some wine. I was looking for a spumante and the one that we ended up trying didn’t taste all that great. Actually, its problem was that it lacked taste. Stacey then chose a cranberry wine which I thought was pretty good and matched pretty well with the wide variety of cheeses, crackers, fruits, and meats that we had.

The caramel colored goat cheese was really good. It was fairly strong but not offensive. They placed it on apple slices. Stacey preferred them paired, but I liked it all on its own. We agreed that the gouda drizzled with olive oil on bread was pretty bad. She described it as eating something moldy. Another favorite of ours was the mascarpone cheese spread paired with buffalo pretzel chips.
The meats were a so-so experience, I thought. There was nothing special about the salami other than you could tell that there was a little extra spice on the edges. But there was this special kind of meat. It looked like a shriveled up piece of lung and looked unappetizing but it tasted really well. It reminded me of a more subdued piece of pepperoni.

Next up was beer! Remember the cop who arrested that Harvard professor was then invited, along with the professor, to have beers at the White House? The beer he chose was Blue Moon. I never tried it and thought that I might as well take the opportunity. Well, I won’t be switching any time soon. Stacey tried for an MGD 67 but had to settle for MGD 64.

Also there was some so-so bruschetta to be had. The same place that was giving out the bruschetta also had an amazing cheesecake like dip for their fruit. I considered picking up a tub before leaving. A place named after Dagwood from the Blondie comics was, of course, giving out sandwiches. Fannie May had a variety of chocolate truffles. A plateful, alone, was worth the price of admission.

The real adventure, though, was with the sushi booth. I’m not sure if it’s the actual restaurant’s name, but all I saw was “Sushi.” I’m not a fan of sushi but I’m not a hater either. You see, of the few times I’ve tried it, half the time it was good, half the time it was bad. This was pretty good, I’d say. Here you can see me about to try out the eel, with eel sauce. It was pretty good at first but the longer it was in my mouth, the more fishy it tasted. The Tuna ones were pretty good. I had the crab ones with a spicy sauce that Stacey got and I liked that. The cucumber/vegetarian ones were alright but I had to put on some soy sauce to add a little flavor. I think my sister would have had a blast with this one as she’s a lover of sushi and chopsticks.

It was a good time although I wish that it could have been a bigger event with more participating businesses. Boy would I really be in trouble then!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

do you remember what they mixed in with the mascarpone cheese? maybe since a lot of people went to the event, more businesses will participate next year! we can only hope!

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