Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The President selects a nominee.

President Bush selected Judge John Roberts to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. There had been a wide range of speculation as to who he would be nominating. A woman? An Hispanic? A centrtist? A conservative? A whacko? Okay, that last one usually came from extremely liberal blogs that I came across. And at first glance, it would seem that the President chose a conservative. At least that’s how a lot of people are taking it. I’m not. Hey, if the President wants to nominate a conservative to the Supreme Court, I say let him. I’m already prepared to see the democrats pick up their pitch forks and torches for anyone that would have been selected. As soon as Roberts was named, the opposition groups like NARAL started shoveling the piles of excrement. I find it funny because as “relative” conservative… I don’t think the hard right is sitting comfortably.

From my reckoning, Judge Roberts really might be another O’Connor or Kennedy or (heaven forbid) Souter. Reason? He is a blank slate candidate. No, really! His past decisions indicate that he is a person that will employ stare decisis. Which means for you angry libs out there… that he will not overturn precedent. Still don’t get it? It means that he won’t overturn Roe v. Wade. Abortion rights groups like NARAL are pointing to a brief that he co-wrote while he was a Deputy Solicitor General, that advocated the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Is this the best they can shovel out? As Deputy Solicitor General, he was the attorney for the current administration (a Republican, conservative, administration). As such, that brief doesn’t reflect a personal opinion but rather, the opinion of the administration. He was doing his job. In fact, he has publicly stated that he considers Roe v. Wade a precedent and will treat it as such. And that’s why conservatives are rolling their eyes back in their heads and muttering “not again!”

Seven of the nine current justices on the Supreme Court were nominated by Republicans. Only three-- Rheinquist, Scalia, and Thomas, have actually turned out to be conservatives. Republicans suck at nominating judges that are in line with them. Frankly, I think that is the case here. Not that I’m really complaining or anything. In addition to Judge Robert’s willing to hold up precedent, the thing that I liked was that he appears to be more of a libertarian than a conservative. He wants limited federal government and is all about private property. We could have used him earlier in the Kelo case. Oh and lastly... I learned that he is from Michiana! That's always a good thing.

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