Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Turning off the lights

Well two of my regular reads are calling it quits. Major Mike seems to be done for good although some of his readers are asking him to joing a blog ring that way he can post occassionally. I hope that he gives it a lot of consideration. But because he seems to be leaving for good, I will be removing him from the blog roll. Sorry to see you go Major. Then there is Mell over at Divergent Poles. He and his wife recently had a baby boy. Hearty congrats to them! Quite rightly, his family and job come before his blog. I will be keeping him on the blog roll, however. Perhaps when he finally gets some time, we will see him begin to post again. --That is if the internet is still around in twenty some odd years. The last thing he posted was pictures of his new kid, Colin. Click here to see.

1 comment:

mell ditangco (this is my pseudonym) said...

hehehe I am back! :D

I give myself 1 hour a day to compose and surf. Its all about discipline! Sometimes I surf with one hand and carry Colin with the other arm (while singing a luluby).

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