Wednesday, April 06, 2022

I Think I Lost Something

 I have been following the war in Ukraine by the Russians and I have come to a disturbing place. Fuck the Russians. Fuck them all.

The other day, I came across a picture of a Russian with his head blown off and his clothes burnt off his body. I saw a video of a Russian whose skeletal remains were being picked at by puppies. Things that should rock to me to my core no longer do and I look at these bodies and feel that what has happened to them was deserved.

It appears that this war (and it is a war--not a "special operation") is supported by the Russian people. State propaganda has done its job well. Yet, it is amazing to me that the people cannot see through all the bullshit. Instead, what they can see with their own eyes, what they can hear with their own ears, is dismissed as "fake." They prefer their truth be given to them by a government that will lie, censor, and get rid of anyone that stands in their way.

Aside for the few flickers of light in that dreary place, I have no sympathy for them. Let them live in this nightmare of a world that they are brining upon themselves.

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