Brothers & Sisters were another casualty of ABC’s axe. It was a bit of a surprise because I had already read an article that said that ABC was renewing it for a final season. This final season would have the episode count slashed as well as the story time regarding the character of Kitty Walker. I have had declining interest in this show and even vowed to quit watching it early in the season when one of my beloved characters left the show. Still, I kept with it and in a way, I can accept the
Sill, screw you ABC. I’m still mad about Eli Stone.
NBC decided that it didn’t want Outsourced around anymore. I know that there were a number of people that did not find this show funny. Some actually said it was racist. Personally, I found it funny even though I could tell that it was trying to find its footing. My only criticism over the season was when the Indian love interest of the main character seemed to be sidelined. I have a suspicion, though, that had Outsourced been renewed, we would have been seeing a lot more of her.
Yup. We'll just have to assume that Anna wins.
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