Thursday, May 03, 2007

Welcome to the Republic

The Queen of Canada is in the United States on a six day trip. According to the news, she is here to mark the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown (located in the Commonwealth of Virginia), the first permanent English settlement. Towards the end of the trip, she'll also make a trip to The District where she'll meet with the President.

Although I'm no fan of monarchies (I am a republican, small-r) I think that this is one positive story. Considering the cooling relations between us and practically all of our inner allies, it's nice to at least pretend that we still like each other, right?


Minge said...

Can you keep her? Please?

David said...

What would we do with her? Sorry but you're going to have to try and pawn her off on some other country.

Minge said...

You could stuff and mount her. Not in that way though, please.

David said...

I don't think that even Prince Philip would do it that way. *shudders*

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