Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hi. Would you like your...

I'm about to head out to Erin's. She offered to pay me to mow her lawn. I'm too ashamed to settle on a dollar amount so whatever she wants to give me, I'll be glad to take. There was rain in the forecast. But the sky is beautiful and the air is cool. Excellent day to do some yard work.

Since this is a short post, I'll continue with some other thoughts.

I've put up my receipts for my LSDAS and LSAT registrations. I spent $225. Money that I don't have. Now that I've pretty much committed myself, I am having major second thoughts about law school. Dusty said that it would be a good investment. I wanted to hug him and punch him for saying that. It's nice that people believe that I can do it. But I'm so worried about being good enough for law school and being able to come up with the loans for it.

I started my application process for unemployment benefits and I still haven't gotten a decision if I a can draw on those funds. I hate the idea of using public assistance but I'm going to need it if I am to pay off some of my bills. I'll be thankful to get off it-- if I ever get on it.

I did have an interview last week and I was supposed to have had call back if they were interested. At least they told me that. So far nothing. But I do have some hope with Whirlpool and county put up another position that I could possibly fill. There is hope.

I'm still dying from that workout at the Y yesterday. Usually I do well with the legs and balancing. This time it was abs and upper body. Whoo! I'm going to sleep well again tonight even if it takes some pills.


Brian Farrey said...

Yay! Keep going with law school!

Did I miss a post? Unemployment? What's going on?

David said...

^Yeah, I got fired. Personally, I think the owner was cleaning house. I was let go as soon as the last girl completed her training.

I'm desperate for a new job but something other than retail. Cross your fingers for me!

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