Saturday, November 04, 2006

Be with you in a bit.

It seems like I am going through a dry spell with postings lately. There are a number of projects going on at work right now. All this week, I’ve been closing and working some extended hours in order to get prepped for the holiday season. (Sunny 101.5 is being prevented from playing over the store speakers because they are now playing Christmas music.) The huge project was getting together new Jelly Belly fixtures. Still yet to do is take down Halloween, put up Christmas, move a few sections of candy, set up a candy bar rack, conduct a couple of inventories, and figure out how to make more room for more product. I’m not really complaining because I’m getting extra hours. Plus, I like ripping things apart and putting them back together. It’s nice to throw that in when most of the time I’m concentrating on customer service.


Brian Farrey said...

Dr. Pepper Jelly Bellys rock my world. So do Hawaiian Punch.

Minge said...

Come back soon. You're missed.

Old Disney World - One Last Ride

This past fall I decided to take a small trip back to Disney World. There were reports that large portions of the parks were going to be tor...