Monday, June 12, 2006

Laurie and Jed's Wedding

I heard that if it storms on a wedding day, there will be good luck. Well, it rained on Saturday but let up just in time to be pleasant for the ceremony and reception. I'll take that as being good luck all around.

The ceremony was great. The Gillettes remarked on how much pageantry was involved. Apparently, their church's ceremonies are shorter and to the point. I guess Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican churches are a little too alike. I like a little bit of pageantry. The only thing that I didn't expect was communion. This Episcopalian church practices open communion so they welcomed all baptized Christians. I can not begin to express how happy I was over that. My church practices closed communion and I have not been able to participate in the Eucharist for over a year. Maybe I should consider converting but I think I need to sort myself out before making such a decision.

The reception was held at the Century Center. When I got there, I immediately looked for Amber G. Most of the people at the wedding were people that I didn't know so I was going to attach myself to the only person I did. It turned out pretty nice as I ended up at her table along with her husband. Also there was Freida K. and her husband. I knew them from high school. My highlight of the night? Oh it had to be me grooving to the Cha-Cha Slide.

All in all, I had a great time.

Congrats, Laurie and Jed! I may not have any wisdom or advice on the matter, but I do wish you all the best.


Anonymous said...

Thanks David!! I was wondering if you could email me the pictures that you took. My pictures have come out looking very fuzzy. Thanks dear.

Anonymous said...

David, the great thing about being Episcopal is that we're like USB ports: we interface with everything; no conversion required. In other words, all you need to do is show up. If you have any questions just ask me or Laurie, and thanks for coming!!!

David said...

I'll post what little I have on photobucket the next time I get on.
I need highspeed access... *ho-hum*

Anonymous said...

Feeling kind of technologically challenged. I tried to copy/paste the web address and was told that I had to login. I set up my own photobucket account but have no clue how to navagate the site. Please help.

Anonymous said...

So I tried this morning and now the site is telling me that the pictures have an invalid format (jpg|gif|png|bmp|tif|swf)
Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for trying.

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