Sunday, September 11, 2005

My 9-11

I was thinking about making a post full of deep thoughts about September 11th. I was inspired by Mell, instead, to tell you how I will always remember this day.

When the attacks occurred, I was in my microeconomics class...probably falling asleep. I made my way back to my dorm where I fell asleep. I was tired because I had physical training with AFROTC at 5am. It must have been some time around 9:30 when my roommate, Pat, came into the room and woke me up.

"Hey, something happened in New York." He turns on the TV.

I'm a bit irritated that he woke me up, but it sounded important. Slowly, I sobered up to the fact that we had just been attacked. The details were sketchy. At the time, there was rumors of a bomb by some government office in Washington. Vague reports of an attack on the Pentagon.

Everyone was glued to their TV's. I managed to go to my Spanish class but only half the class managed to show up. Still, our instructor turned on the television so we were still watching the news unfold. Well, not really unfold as it got to be repetitive eventually.

Eventually, we saw foreign leaders giving their declarations of sympathy and support. I'll admit, I actually shed a tear or two. Instead of hearing the usual criticisms and general bitchiness, we actually got something meaningful. When other people were sharing in our pain and grief, it made us feel like we weren't alone. We wouldn't be alone to mourn our dead.

Later that night, my friend Chris and I went to The Rock for a candlelight vigil. It was simple. There were a few speakers but we really weren't interested in what they said. We lit our candles, said a few prayers. Some were crying while others provided comfort. Chris and I just looked on as the day drew to close. It was a day that changed our lives. Chris is now in the Air Force working in Intel. On days like this, I wish I could be as well.

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