Thursday, August 31, 2006

College Football Has Started!

Oh yeah, I'm feeling great! I'm currrently watching the Boston College vs. Central Michigan University game right now. Boston College playing CMU? Well... I think we are going to pull off a moral victory. Currently, the score is 31-24 Boston with less than four minutes left of play. Go Chippewas!

Saturday will bring Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech.


PJS said...

The last (only?) time I watched a football game it was to stare longingly at Tom Brady.

I don't even remember what team he was on.

David said...

Boo! Tom Brady used to be the quarterback for the University of Michigan. Now he plays for the New England Patriots.

I asume when you say "watched" that you also meant that you've never been to a football game? If you haven't you need to go to one. I was never into football either until I went to State. Big Ten football rocks!

Anonymous said...

Boo Central!!

Shifting Gears and Hitting Close to Home

  When I was a kid, I enjoyed Home Improvement  and Galaxy Quest . I have been a fan of Tim Allen for long time. The same goes for Kat Denni...